What is the difference between teaching and learning?

Hello friends, today we are going to glance at a very useful topic for every student that is, "what is the difference between teaching and learning?"I notice that it is indistinguishable for some of our friends but this is not so. But why worry when I am with you. I will explain everything step by step and in detail.

So, let's start.......

According to me, teaching is a process in which a teacher teaches a learner or student.
Here, when I say teacher it doesn't mean only professional formal teacher who teaches in schools whereas here I mean any person or even a thing which can teach us is a teacher.
I also think that the given thought is also very true.

"Parents are our first teachers."

According to my opinion, we can learn from anything and as well as we can learn from ourselves also, we can learn from our good as well as bad experiences.

Difference between teaching and learning:-
I think the basic difference between teaching and learning is that we need a teacher to be taught but we can learn by yourself also and the second most important difference is the style and teaching pattern.
For example, If we ask a 90 years old man a question that what is 2+2=? Then definitely he says 4 if he knows that. Even if we say him that the correct answer is 3.5 or 4.5 then he denies that because he had experienced this thing. Initially, when he was in primary school his teacher not only told him that 2+2=4 even he shows it with his fingers or with any other thing.

What is good teaching or learning?
If that's the question, then I like to say that teaching and learning are not opposed to each other whereas they complement each other. Both teaching methodologies are very important for the overall development of a student.

Problems in the Indian education system:-
I think that when we are talking about teaching and learning then we must talk about our education system. In my view, the main problem is the lack of practical and applied learning.
For example,
If a teacher is teaching lessons of cleanliness in a class and the class in which he is teaching is itself dirty then what is the meaning of that kind of teaching?
If the students are not able to think of cleanliness in their own class or in their surroundings then sorry that kind of fake teaching is waste.

Written by:-

Om Kshitij Rai


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